Being a mother is a selfless, “never-ending” job that is rewarding in itself. Doing countless tasks with unconditional love each day, mothers deserve so much credit for all they do. For this, we have highlighted some incredible mothers on our Instagram, and who better to hear about their love and appreciation for these incredible mothers from the people who know them best than their husbands.
“Happy Mother’s Day to my darling wife @fitElyse! You’re an incredibly dedicated and devoted mother to our two beautiful babies and a wonderfully supportive and loving wife to me. We’re all following the inspiring example of health and fitness that you live every moment of every day. It’s incredible to see our son and daughter by your side each morning as you train with @NordicTrack; future trainers in the works. We love you will all our hearts.”
– Chris
Elyse is one of our iFit® trainers and has a Mommy and Me series in French Polynesia that is available on the treadmills through iFit®!
“To Yogoskenz, aka my Kenz. First and foremost, thank you. Thank you for being unapologetically you. I admire your bravery and courage in standing up for what you believe, and the example it sets for our kids. Good to know that there are some people that still stand up for things that are important.
Second, thanks for your hard work and diligence. Being a wife and mother is hard work, and can be a thankless job, not to mention when you have a demanding work life as well. With all you have going on, I love the way you love our kids and the time you spend with them, which is more important to me than always having a clean house.
Third, thanks for taking care of you. Where the body goes, the mind follows. Let’s be honest – you are a rockstar, and I am so proud of what you have been able to accomplish. You are an amazingly fit, hot, hard-working mom that I get to call my wife.”
– Taft
“I hope our kids grow up to be like @fitnessCarli. She’s shown our kids that you can do it all. Be a great parent, a successful business woman and impact others for good. She’s shown them that fitness and health are about expanding horizons and quality of life, not crash diets and obsessive habits.”
– Raleigh
“A little shoutout to my rock/baby mamma/numba one. @jessa, YOU are superwoman and I love your guts. You just went through one of the hardest labors to bring the most precious bundle of joy into our lives. Eleven days before that I crossed the finish line to [sic] the Boston Marathon, a race you’ve supported me getting to for the past 2.5 years. You’ve always been there – from my first Olympic, Ironman, and all of those MANY miles on the road to Boston. I seriously can’t thank you enough for believing in me. Happy Super Mother’s day boo! PS – I know this is supposed to be semi secret, but I can’t wait to cheer you on as you cross your first finish line in January.”
– Jordan
“Jess is truly one of the [best] human beings I know because this world is a better place with her in it. She is loving, kind, and patient with our kiddos, but also challenges them to be strong and confident, emotionally and physically. Love you babe, Happy Mother’s Day!”
– Jep
“My mom is the best because she loves our family and would do anything to help us. I love spending time with her because she is super fun to hang out with. Love you mom, Happy Mother’s Day!”
– River
Thank you to the husbands that have participated in sharing their admiration for the superwoman in their lives for Mother’s Day!
Be sure to leave a shout-out to your superwoman in your life below in the comment section for Mother’s Day.